The Primary audience that we aimed our film at were both genders around the age of 16 leading right up to the age of 35. We decided that this was best as there was little chance of the film getting away with less than a 15 certificate due to fairly gruesome scenes involving spiders. We thought first of all that that the film would attract a majority of male votes in our test screening, but due to the protagonist being female it appeared that the women liked it slightly more, although we had positive comments from both genders with both saying that they would watch through the film from what they saw of the title sequence.
Information on our primary audience:
• Enjoy horror/ thriller films, especially psychological.
• Know a fair amount about film production or enjoy the technical aspect of the movie.
• Could possibly still be at college/university studying artistic or scientific qualifications.
• Fairly independent people who can survive without parents if needed.
• Possibility of slight mental illness or eccentricity.
• Typical clothes are dark in colour, jeans and hoodie, or very bright in colour bright yellows, oranges etc with converse shoes.
Here is an example.

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