Monday, 19 January 2009

Film Friday, Like a normal Friday but with filming.

Wooooh Yeah, we finnished our location filming on Friday and now all we need to do is get more spider images. My sister was great and didn't really complain until we got home, which was nice.

We have taken about 7000 photos which might be a nightmere to edit, but then atleast we have enough footage to pick and choose which bits we wish to use.

In a way after doing this I am glad that we had to wait for George to get back off of holiday before we did this as otherwise it would have been a nightmere when the camera filled up and we would only have half the images, so allthough I was anoyed that Kirsty didn't turn up I think it was for the best in the end.

Here are images that George managed to find in amognst the thousands of other photos.

Please note I was explaining somthing important.

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