Friday, 30 January 2009

Uber Super Dopper Awsome Great Good News

Gerry has discoverd a way for us to edit the photos in bulk which is great, the only problem is that we tried yesterday and after about 2 hours of fidling we couldnt quite work it out.

We have therefore decided to try again today but to no avail. Unknown to us the computer was booked out so we had leave. Anoying as I would like to get this finneshed, allthough I allways expected that the edit would be the hardest part of the project.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

The Edit

I know it has been a while since my last post but this could be due to the fact we really dont know what to edit on and so have had no time to blog as we were looking for a suitable programme to edit on. We have tried I- Photo as well as Comic Life, but none are able to do the chalk n' charcoal effect thar we were hoping for. Yes I am aware that Photoshop does have this softwear but would wish to edit 7000 images indvidually?


Monday, 19 January 2009

Film Friday, Like a normal Friday but with filming.

Wooooh Yeah, we finnished our location filming on Friday and now all we need to do is get more spider images. My sister was great and didn't really complain until we got home, which was nice.

We have taken about 7000 photos which might be a nightmere to edit, but then atleast we have enough footage to pick and choose which bits we wish to use.

In a way after doing this I am glad that we had to wait for George to get back off of holiday before we did this as otherwise it would have been a nightmere when the camera filled up and we would only have half the images, so allthough I was anoyed that Kirsty didn't turn up I think it was for the best in the end.

Here are images that George managed to find in amognst the thousands of other photos.

Please note I was explaining somthing important.

A/S Media Studies Shooting Schedule
January 2009

Film Title: Magnus Opium

Film Crew: Ross Lusted, George Woolford,

Cast: Robyn Lusted

Contact Numbers: 0208………3, 0208…....5

Place Time Date Props Cast
Gardens 8:15 Friday 16th Robyn
Castle 10:15 Friday 16th Spiders Robyn
Pathways 12:15 Friday 16th Robyn
Field 2:15 Friday 16th Spiders Robyn
Trees 3:00 Friday 16th Robyn
Pond 3:30 Friday 16th Robyn

Monday, 12 January 2009

A New Cast

Now that Kirsty has gone into hospital :( she unfortunatly won't be able to help us photograph, so we have managed to get my sister to help instead,we plan to film again this Friday.

Friday, 9 January 2009

Film Stuff, For Film Not Media !!!!!!!!!

This is my writing for my FilIs a film in Hollywood purely a commercial commodity?

It has been suggested that the magic of the movies created in Hollywood doesn’t really exist, and that Tinsel Town was purely created in 1913 to be a get rich quick scheme for a select few who left the studios of the city in search of a beautiful location.

However this apparently is only a myth and what apparently happened was that these select few were actually running from mobs and thugs that destroyed there cameras and burnt down there studios after they bough equipment from outside the USA.

Now although this tale is all-but irrelevant to the lives of today’s modern filmmakers, that same risk still occurs when making modern movies. Corporations spend millions of dollars writing and crating these high budget box- office hits and yet they don’t know if they will have a job to go back to on Monday. Now this may sound familiar especially after the current job losses after the credit crunch, but if you mucked up with any of the advertising, test screening, reviews, you could be down several million dollars.

This is why I believe that there must be more than just money involved in creating these films. Directors and screenwriters are just adrenalin junkies gambling with hundreds of millions of dollars. Yes they do muck up, but they also help to entertain and educate people, and I would also be worried if all that money was being passed round without so much care and viciousness.
m case on Hollywood which has to be posted on the blog.


Unortunatly Kirsty forgot about the filming so we have to do some other time :(

Thursday, 8 January 2009

As tomorrow is our first day of properly trying to photograph our animation myself and Kirsty created this shooting Shedule so we knew what time and where we would be taking photos.

Shooting Shedule

All of the below shots mentioned will be photographed in Oxleas Woods.

Friday 9th

8am - Meet at Falconwood Station

8:10 - Begin photographing Close-Ups (CU)

9:30 - Photograph round the gardens

Saturday 10th

12pm - continue photographing in the gardens

3pm - photograph running through trees

Continue Sunday 11th if needed.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

This is an animatic I have created useing some of the photos that we took before christmas.

Monday, 5 January 2009


Unfortantly neither George or Kirsty were in lesson today so I have created a brief storybord to show what our title sequence will look like, bear in mind that I obveouly havn't drawn a picture for every photo so things do appear to jump around a bit.